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Monday, September 26, 2011

Heist Society by. Ally Carter

Heist Society (Heist Society, #1)When Katrina Bishop was three, her parents took her on a trip to the Louvre…to case it. For her seventh birthday, Katrina and her Uncle Eddie traveled to Austria…to steal the crown jewels. When Kat turned fifteen, she planned a con of her own—scamming her way into the best boarding school in the country, determined to leave the family business behind. Unfortunately, leaving “the life” for a normal life proves harder than she’d expected.

Soon, Kat's friend and former co-conspirator, Hale, appears out of nowhere to bring Kat back into the world she tried so hard to escape. But he has a good reason: a powerful mobster has been robbed of his priceless art collection and wants to retrieve it. Only a master thief could have pulled this job, and Kat's father isn't just on the suspect list, he is the list. Caught between Interpol and a far more deadly enemy, Kat’s dad needs her help.

For Kat, there is only one solution: track down the paintings and steal them back. So what if it's a spectacularly impossible job? She's got two weeks, a teenage crew, and hopefully just enough talent to pull off the biggest heist in her family's history--and, with any luck, steal her life back along the way.

REVIEW-I wasn't sure what to expect from this book,the synopsis was great but it really didn't do it justice. I cant wait to get my hands on uncommon criminals.I give this book a 4 out of 5 because it wasn't a book that I just couldn't put down, but at the same time it kept me wanting to read it and looking forward to picking it up.
              The over  all plot was beautiful. the characters were brilliant and funny. I loved it when  the guys discovered that Kat had a body, it was just one of those laughing moments .(which i happened to be in class for and everyone looked at me funny.)If you haven't read this you'll find out because this is a must read.My favorite  characters  were Kat and hale  their chemistry was great i just wish the romance would of sped up. But at the same time it was the perfect amount,because it didn't over power the rest of the story.when you read this you can just imagine what it would be like to be a con artist exspecially at our age.Although by the end of the story you are left with alot to think about it was a pleasant ending and i don't know about you but I think I know who Visily Romani really is.( for those who are considering this book stop considering and read it you will not be disappointed.)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by.david levithan and rachele cohn

Dash & Lily's Book of Dares
I’ve left some clues for you.
If you want them, turn the page.
If you don’t, put the book back on the shelf, please.”

So begins the latest whirlwind romance from the New York Times bestselling authors of Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist. Lily has left a red notebook full of challenges on a favorite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. But is Dash that right guy? Or are Dash and Lily only destined to trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations across New York? Could their in-person selves possibly connect as well as their notebook versions? Or will they be a comic mismatch of disastrous proportions?

Rachel Cohn and David Levithan have written a love story that will have readers perusing bookstore shelves, looking and longing for a love (and a red notebook) of their own.
REVIEW- oh wow this book made me want chrismas to come. I really wish that something like that would happen to me. This was such an original idea and a very relatable story and i loved each and every charecter.Boomer oh boomer how you make me smile. I really wished i would have read it around christmas because it would of been a even better read.This book is for those who are wanting a great light romance yet a powerful and relatiable story. i give it a readable rating.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Will Grayson Will by.John Green and David levithan

Released: April 6th, 2010
Published by: Dutton Juvenile
Page Amount: 310 pages, US paperback

"One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two teens—both named Will Grayson—are about to cross paths. As their worlds collide and intertwine, the Will Graysons find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, building toward romantic turns-of-heart and the epic production of history’s most fabulous high school musical."
Information from Goodreads.com
quick over view-This book is a hilarious, moving tale of two teenage boys going through very difficult problems. Each person has felt like one of the Will Graysons' at one point in their life, and I think that everyone should read this book.
Review-I found will grayson will grayson to be a great book. john green never disappoints.I was a little skeptic at first not knowing any of David leviathan's work but it turns out he is equally amazing.
    I wouldn't say this book was a fast passe but it was intelligently written and the dialogue between the characters were amazing and funny.The plot of the book was a B rating but over all likeability was an A++.
   What i liked most about john's will grayson is his continuous amazment at tiny fitting into his chair.I thought the first will grayson was a great character and i liked how he sort of tied in with david's will grayson at least as far as his attitude goes.All charecters were amazing and i loved margo's and will grayson's relationship as well as jane and the other will grayson, they were a nice touch.Although i still believe tiny and will should be together i liked how he brought all the other will grayson's to tiny's play. the ending was really the iceing on the cake and made me close the book with a smile.
        A must read for sure.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Envy By:Anna Godbersen

Envy (Luxe, #3) In this sequel to Rumors, novelist Elizabeth Holland returns to the inner circle of New York's Gilded Age upper crust. Gramercy Park society watchers quickly notice that differences appear to be simmering between Elizabeth and her sister Diana. Meanwhile, troubles are also festering between celebrated newlyweds Henry and Penelope Schoonmaker. Apparently, the stately brass doors of Manhattan's 400 conceal more tumult than the general public suspects. Silk gowns and scandals

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